At SafeAssure, we know how critical it is to stay up to date on the latest OSHA Standards. We also know it can be tough to keep up with things like providing employee training and continually updating SDS sheets. Our Full-Service Package takes care of all the OSHA requirements for you. When you are part of the SafeAssure family in Minnesota, you will enjoy all of the services we provide including employee training, written programs/policies, SDS Management, inspections, onsite attendance, guidance should OSHA pay you a visit, and unlimited consulting.  This comprehensive package ensures seamless compliance with the numerous industry-specific OSHA Standards all in one place.

We currently serve a variety of businesses throughout the state of Minnesota, including, but not limited to, municipalities, construction, manufacturing, medical clinics, roasteries, textile, trucking, equipment maintenance and repair, and agriculture and livestock providers. 

As part of a SafeAssure Full Service Agreement, you will receive:

SafeAssure Advantage Flyer Screen Shot

Onsite Employee Training

Our clients tell us SafeAssure is different from other companies they have used because our highly qualified consultants and instructors make training sessions enjoyable. We combine excellent instructors with the latest technology in gaming and interactive formats, inserting hands-on scenarios to help employees not only enjoy the training but also retain information. And as an employer, you'll get peace of mind because SafeAssure guarantees your training and that training documentation will be OSHA compliant.  We work with each client to setup a full year schedule so everyone is on the same page throughout the year!

Onsite Training

Online Training

It’s not always possible for employees to attend the SafeAssure onsite training sessions, especially with the rise in remote work options. We incorporate online learning in conjunction with our onsite training, making it easy for our clients to achieve 100% employee attendance. These remote training sessions work well for onboarding new hires and for employees who may have missed an in-person session. Included with each online course is a testing component to ensure employees understand and retain the safety information learned. We also provide online access to progress reports for each employee’s learning history, so supervisors stay up to date on which employees have or have not completed the required training.

Online Training Computer Course


It’s important to be prepared for an OSHA audit or inspection, and simulations are good practice for the real thing. Our team will walk through your site, whether you have one building or multiple, and conduct a simulated OSHA inspection. We’ll perform a simulated audit of your policies and procedures, the results of which are completely confidential. We will also provide a written report with pictures and recommendations, so you know exactly what areas are deficient or could be improved. Unlike a real OSHA inspection, there are no deadlines or fines that create added pressure. We’ll work with you to prioritize and implement the recommended changes to ensure your facilities and procedures are compliant should an OSHA official show up for the real thing.

Workplace Safety Inspections

Written Programs/Policies and Procedures OSHA

Working with SafeAssure means you will have all the written programs and policies OSHA requires for a complete and comprehensive safety program. Being a member of the SafeAssure family means we will automatically review, update, or replace programs and policies to reflect OSHA Standard changes. SafeAssure guarantees our safety program. If OSHA cites you because of a program we have provided, SafeAssure will pay the fine.

Writing Programs and Policies

OSHA Inspection Attendance

As a SafeAssure client, when OSHA enforcement shows up at your organization, let the inspector know you are our client and give us a call immediately. We will be there to guide you through the entire inspection process because SafeAssure is on your side from start to finish.

OSHA Inspection Consulting

SDS Database & Materials

Part of staying in compliance with OSHA involves keeping, updating, and maintaining Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that are specific to your organization. As part of the SafeAssure family, you’ll no longer have to worry about manuals with outdated SDS information. Our clients are automatically enrolled as  members of VelocityEHS (formerly MSDSOnline), an online SDS database company. With VelocityEHS, you will have access to all your site-specific SDS needs online and via a mobile phone app for access anywhere at any time.

SDS Materials in the Cloud

Safety Committee Attendance

Depending on your specific needs, SafeAssure may attend some or all of these committee meetings to provide input and answer questions on safety and health matters. We work with safety committees for many different clients, and we will bring that experience to your organization. If your safety committee members struggle with setting goals or knowing what their roles should be, we can help provide direction to better define the committee’s purpose.

Safety Committee

Job Hazard Analysis

Job hazard analysis (JHA) looks at the relationship between an employee, their task, and their work environment to identify uncontrolled hazards before they occur. When a potential hazard is identified, control measures need to be implemented to either eliminate the hazard or reduce it to a level that’s acceptable to OSHA. This is an essential component within a larger system of safety and health management, and SafeAssure will help you develop and implement JHAs that keep you and your team compliant with OSHA.

Job Hazard Analysis

Unlimited OSHA Consulting & Assistance

Even with safety programs and training in place, questions and new OSHA regulations come up. That’s why we provide ongoing assistance to our clients in Minnesota. As our client, we encourage you to call or email us rather than spend time searching for an answer. We have an alert system for our clients as well, which sends out an email on current, future, and clarified OSHA requirements and how we can help you navigate them. In addition, any new regulations or requirements that come up during an agreement year are completed for our clients at no cost.

Please give us a call for more information about our Full Service Package. We pride ourselves on being a trusted partner in reducing workplace accidents and injuries and meeting all of your OSHA compliance needs.

OSHA Consulting Services